Magnus list
Number | Name | Element | Guy |
1 | Short sword | Neutral | Weapon |
2 | Saber | Neutral | Weapon |
3 | Long sword | Neutral | Weapon |
4 | Ice dagger | Water | Weapon |
5 | Calling sheet | Fire | Weapon |
6 | Duel sword | Neutral | Weapon |
7 | Chaos sheet | Darkness | Weapon |
8 | Ray of truth | Light | Weapon |
9 | Dark sword | Darkness | Weapon |
10 | Wonderful sheet | Neutral | Weapon |
eleven | Silver sword | Neutral | Weapon |
12 | Language of fire | Fire | Weapon |
13 | Crystalline sword | Water | Weapon |
14 | Gladius | Neutral | Weapon |
fifteen | Fury of Eolo | Wind | Weapon |
16 | Mortal pendulum | Cronos | Weapon |
17 | Acalanata | Neutral | Weapon |
18 | Silk force | Darkness | Weapon |
19 | Solar saber | Light | Weapon |
twenty | Thirst for blood | Darkness | Weapon |
twenty-one | Dimensional sheet | Cronos | Weapon |
22 | Cutting burst | Wind | Weapon |
23 | Apocalypse | Neutral | Weapon |
24 | IFRIT SABLE | Fire | Weapon |
25 | Cold pain | Water | Weapon |
26 | Kusanagi | Fire | Weapon |
27 | Durandarte | Light | Weapon |
28 | Muramasa | Darkness | Weapon |
29 | Hope | Cronos | Weapon |
30 | Disituting spectrum | Wind | Weapon |
31 | Double channel | Neutral | Weapon |
32 | Mosquito | Wind | Weapon |
33 | River remote | Water | Weapon |
3. 4 | Butterfly | Wind | Weapon |
35 | Black scepter | Darkness | Weapon |
36 | Guide soap | Water | Weapon |
37 | Burning remote | Fire | Weapon |
38 | Green rowing | Neutral | Weapon |
39 | Ephemeral | Wind | Weapon |
40 | Second | Cronos | Weapon |
41 | White scepter | Light | Weapon |
42 | Black Fresno | Darkness | Weapon |
43 | Red oak | Neutral | Weapon |
44 | Breakwater | Water | Weapon |
Four. Five | Dragon-fly | Wind | Weapon |
46 | Crystalline wing | Water | Weapon |
47 | White Fresno | Light | Weapon |
48 | Destructive shovel | Neutral | Weapon |
49 | Bloody Vorágine | Darkness | Weapon |
fifty | Fresno rainbow | Light | Weapon |
51 | Silver ash | Neutral | Weapon |
52 | Spatula | Cronos | Weapon |
53 | Mirage | Wind | Weapon |
54 | Firefly | Fire | Weapon |
55 | Balgora rowing | Water | Weapon |
56 | Corona trunk | Neutral | Weapon |
57 | Assault trumpet | Neutral | Weapon |
58 | Reluvating trunk | Light | Weapon |
59 | Bleak bugle | Darkness | Weapon |
60 | Viperina Tuba | Neutral | Weapon |
61 | Magna Cornet | Neutral | Weapon |
62 | Macabra euphony | Darkness | Weapon |
63 | Bright trunk | Light | Weapon |
64 | Indra trunk | Neutral | Weapon |
65 | Vedas Cornet | Neutral | Weapon |
66 | Luminisaxo | Light | Weapon |
67 | Asura tuba | Darkness | Weapon |
68 | Dorado Bugle | Neutral | Weapon |
69 | Saxocańón | Neutral | Weapon |
70 | Glowing cornea | Light | Weapon |
71 | Hades tube | Darkness | Weapon |
72 | Varna trunk | Neutral | Weapon |
73 | AGNI tuba | Neutral | Weapon |
74 | Ravana's favorite | Darkness | Weapon |
75 | Radiant trumpet | Light | Weapon |
76 | Euphoria of Brahma | Neutral | Weapon |
77 | Vishnu | Neutral | Weapon |
78 | Leather Guandes | Neutral | Weapon |
79 | Attack knuckles | Neutral | Weapon |
80 | Combat claws | Neutral | Weapon |
81 | Burning knuckles | Fire | Weapon |
82 | Gelid knuckles | Water | Weapon |
83 | Tekken (Iron Puces) | Neutral | Weapon |
84 | Explosive pips | Fire | Weapon |
85 | Crystal claws | Water | Weapon |
86 | Panther claws | Neutral | Weapon |
87 | Wolf fangs | Neutral | Weapon |
88 | Sharp cold | Water | Weapon |
89 | Puces of the Averno | Fire | Weapon |
90 | Metal knuckles | Neutral | Weapon |
91 | Freezing sine | Water | Weapon |
92 | Incisive heat | Fire | Weapon |
93 | Dragon claws | Neutral | Weapon |
94 | Shark teeth | Water | Weapon |
95 | Dragon pips | Fire | Weapon |
96 | Glacial soul | Water | Weapon |
97 | Fulgor of IFRIs | Fire | Weapon |
98 | Siren's nipples | Water | Weapon |
99 | Phoenix crest | Fire | Weapon |
100 | Leather jacket | Neutral | Defending |
101 | Ice armor | Water | Defending |
102 | Flame armor | Fire | Defending |
103 | Coat of mail | Neutral | Defending |
104 | Dark suit | Darkness | Defending |
105 | Blinding armor | Light | Defending |
106 | Thermal jacket | Fire | Defending |
107 | Crystal armor | Water | Defending |
108 | Half bib | Neutral | Defending |
109 | Cronos armor | Cronos | Defending |
110 | Celeste armor | Wind | Defending |
111 | Scales armor | Neutral | Defending |
112 | Aquatic jacket | Water | Defending |
113 | Iphrits suit | Fire | Defending |
114 | Overalls | Neutral | Defending |
115 | Chaos frame | Darkness | Defending |
116 | Sacred armor | Light | Defending |
117 | Combat herace | Neutral | Defending |
118 | Dragon flutter | Wind | Defending |
119 | Washing | Cronos | Defending |
120 | Leather waistcoat | Neutral | Defending |
121 | Calling toga | Fire | Defending |
122 | Ondina tunic | Water | Defending |
123 | Mink coat | Neutral | Defending |
124 | Shadow layer | Darkness | Defending |
125 | Diosa's Chal | Light | Defending |
126 | Mantle Tempus | Cronos | Defending |
127 | Pegasus mantle | Wind | Defending |
128 | Silk mantle | Neutral | Defending |
129 | Fogata tunic | Fire | Defending |
130 | Snow water | Water | Defending |
131 | Mephistopheles layer | Darkness | Defending |
132 | Foresti tunic | Light | Defending |
133 | Hamelin layer | Neutral | Defending |
134 | Breeze tunic | Wind | Defending |
135 | Sigfrido | Cronos | Defending |
136 | Witch tunic | Neutral | Defending |
137 | Dragon Tunic | Fire | Defending |
138 | Ocean tunic | Water | Defending |
139 | Venus tunic | Neutral | Defending |
140 | Strengthening helmet | Neutral | Defending |
141 | Casco de la Calm | Wind | Defending |
142 | Infinity mask | Cronos | Defending |
143 | Zapa helmet | Water | Defending |
144 | Calling Morrion | Fire | Defending |
145 | Knight's helmet | Neutral | Defending |
146 | Bandit mask | Darkness | Defending |
147 | Luminescent helmet | Light | Defending |
148 | Viking helmet | Neutral | Defending |
149 | Crystalline Yelmo | Water | Defending |
150 | Fénix's and the | Fire | Defending |
151 | Full helmet | Neutral | Defending |
152 | Sacred morrion | Light | Defending |
153 | Cranial mask | Darkness | Defending |
154 | Mitril helmet | Neutral | Defending |
155 | dawn | Wind | Defending |
156 | Ometel yelmo | Cronos | Defending |
157 | Glacial face | Water | Defending |
158 | Distinguished morrion | Fire | Defending |
159 | Gold and gold | Neutral | Defending |
160 | Safe hood | Neutral | Defending |
161 | Leather hat | Neutral | Defending |
162 | Pen hat | Wind | Defending |
163 | Centenary veil | Cronos | Defending |
164 | He jacked | Neutral | Defending |
165 | Fatuos fires | Fire | Defending |
166 | Estalagmita hat | Water | Defending |
167 | Lady shadow | Neutral | Defending |
168 | Killer hood | Darkness | Defending |
169 | Raw straw hat | Light | Defending |
170 | Combat hood | Neutral | Defending |
171 | Voltaic hat | Fire | Defending |
172 | Bubble crown | Water | Defending |
173 | Shaman hat | Neutral | Defending |
174 | Ghost Hat | Darkness | Defending |
175 | Mountain Hood | Light | Defending |
176 | Silk veil | Neutral | Defending |
177 | Heroic turban | Cronos | Defending |
178 | Toca winged | Wind | Defending |
179 | Sibila crown | Neutral | Defending |
180 | Basic shield | Neutral | Defending |
181 | Round shield | Neutral | Defending |
182 | Calling shield | Fire | Defending |
183 | Frozen shield | Water | Defending |
184 | Scales shield | Neutral | Defending |
185 | Cronescudo | Cronos | Defending |
186 | Stormy shield | Wind | Defending |
187 | Comet shield | Neutral | Defending |
188 | Féretro shield | Darkness | Defending |
189 | Coat of grace | Light | Defending |
190 | Torreón shield | Neutral | Defending |
191 | Combat shield | Neutral | Defending |
192 | Wave shield | Water | Defending |
193 | Burning shield | Fire | Defending |
194 | Platinum shield | Neutral | Defending |
195 | Winged shield | Wind | Defending |
196 | Temporary brake | Cronos | Defending |
197 | Fairy shield | Neutral | Defending |
198 | Evil shield | Darkness | Defending |
199 | Shield of hope | Light | Defending |
200 | NV fire cry. 1 | Fire | Attack/shout |
201 | NV water cry. 1 | Water | Attack/shout |
202 | NV light shout. 1 | Light | Attack/shout |
203 | NV darkness shout. 1 | Darkness | Attack/shout |
204 | CRONOS NV cry. 1 | Cronos | Attack/shout |
205 | NV wind cry. 1 | Wind | Attack/shout |
206 | NV fire cry. 2 | Fire | Attack/shout |
207 | NV water cry. 2 | Water | Attack/shout |
208 | NV light shout. 2 | Light | Attack/shout |
209 | NV darkness shout. 2 | Darkness | Attack/shout |
210 | CRONOS NV cry. 2 | Cronos | Attack/shout |
211 | NV wind cry. 2 | Wind | Attack/shout |
212 | NV fire cry. 3 | Fire | Attack/shout |
213 | NV water cry. 3 | Water | Attack/shout |
214 | NV light shout. 3 | Light | Attack/shout |
215 | NV darkness shout. 3 | Darkness | Attack/shout |
216 | CRONOS NV cry. 3 | Cronos | Attack/shout |
217 | NV wind cry. 3 | Wind | Attack/shout |
218 | NV fire cry. 4 | Fire | Attack/shout |
219 | NV water cry. 4 | Water | Attack/shout |
220 | NV light shout. 4 | Light | Attack/shout |
221 | NV darkness shout. 4 | Darkness | Attack/shout |
222 | CRONOS NV cry. 4 | Cronos | Attack/shout |
223 | NV wind cry. 4 | Wind | Attack/shout |
224 | Broken Earth Sphere | Light | Special |
225 | Ocean mirror | Light | Special |
226 | Skimp | Light | Special |
227 | Broken skies | Light | Special |
228 | Broken ocean mirror | Light | Special |
229 | Flight | Neutral | Special |
230 | Chamber 1 | Neutral | Special |
231 | Chamber 2 | Neutral | Special |
232 | Chamber 3 | Neutral | Special |
233 | Voice 1 | Neutral | Special |
2. 3. 4 | Voice 2 | Neutral | Special |
235 | Voice 3 | Neutral | Special |
236 | Voice 4 | Neutral | Special |
237 | Voice 5 | Neutral | Special |
238 | Voice 6 | Neutral | Special |
239 | NV fire thrombus. 1 | Fire | Attack/Magic |
240 | NV water thrombus. 1 | Water | Attack/Magic |
241 | NV light ray. 1 | Light | Attack/Magic |
242 | NV Dark Ray. 1 | Darkness | Attack/Magic |
243 | NV CRONOS EXPLOSION. 1 | Cronos | Attack/Magic |
244 | NV wind explosion. 1 | Wind | Attack/Magic |
245 | NV fire thrombus. 2 | Fire | Attack/Magic |
246 | NV water thrombus. 2 | Water | Attack/Magic |
247 | NV light ray. 2 | Light | Attack/Magic |
248 | NV Dark Ray. 2 | Darkness | Attack/Magic |
249 | NV CRONOS EXPLOSION. 2 | Cronos | Attack/Magic |
250 | NV wind explosion. 2 | Wind | Attack/Magic |
251 | NV fire thrombus. 3 | Fire | Attack/Magic |
252 | NV water thrombus. 3 | Water | Attack/Magic |
253 | NV light ray. 3 | Light | Attack/Magic |
254 | NV Dark Ray. 3 | Darkness | Attack/Magic |
255 | NV CRONOS EXPLOSION. 3 | Cronos | Attack/Magic |
256 | NV wind explosion. 3 | Wind | Attack/Magic |
257 | NV fire thrombus. 4 | Fire | Attack/Magic |
258 | NV water thrombus. 4 | Water | Attack/Magic |
259 | NV light ray. 4 | Light | Attack/Magic |
260 | NV Dark Ray. 4 | Darkness | Attack/Magic |
261 | NV CRONOS EXPLOSION. 4 | Cronos | Attack/Magic |
262 | NV wind explosion. 4 | Wind | Attack/Magic |
263 | NV fire thrombus. 5 | Fire | Attack/Magic |
264 | NV water thrombus. 5 | Water | Attack/Magic |
265 | NV light ray. 5 | Light | Attack/Magic |
266 | NV Dark Ray. 5 | Darkness | Attack/Magic |
267 | NV CRONOS EXPLOSION. 5 | Cronos | Attack/Magic |
268 | NV wind explosion. 5 | Wind | Attack/Magic |
269 | NV fire thrombus. 6 | Fire | Attack/Magic |
270 | NV water thrombus. 6 | Water | Attack/Magic |
271 | NV light ray. 6 | Light | Attack/Magic |
272 | NV Dark Ray. 6 | Darkness | Attack/Magic |
273 | NV CRONOS EXPLOSION. 6 | Cronos | Attack/Magic |
274 | NV wind explosion. 6 | Wind | Attack/Magic |
275 | Blue storm | Wind | Attack/special |
276 | Shadow wings | Darkness | Attack/special |
277 | Energy wave | Wind | Attack/special |
278 | Deflagration | Fire | Attack/special |
279 | Water sheet | Water | Attack/special |
280 | Sword dream | Cronos | Attack/special |
281 | Light fangs | Light | Attack/special |
282 | Chaotic illusion | Cronos | Attack/special |
283 | Wind Guardian | Wind | Attack/special |
284 | Light dance | Light | Attack/special |
285 | Spark of life | Light | Attack/special |
286 | Spiritual flash | Light | Attack/special |
287 | Fire dance | Fire | Attack/special |
288 | Dark hug | Darkness | Attack/special |
289 | Whispering wind | Wind | Attack/special |
290 | Destiny bells | Cronos | Attack/special |
291 | Watermark | Water | Attack/special |
292 | Light wheel | Light | Attack/special |
293 | RESURGG OF THE DRAGON | Water | Attack/special |
294 | Crystalline Impico | Water | Attack/special |
295 | Explosive shovel | Fire | Attack/special |
296 | Mortal onslaught | Cronos | Attack/special |
297 | Cyclone fury | Darkness | Attack/special |
298 | Twister | Wind | Attack/special |
299 | Pendular blow | Light | Attack/special |
300 | Nemesis | Darkness | Attack/special |
301 | Definitive geyser | Water | Attack/special |
302 | Overture | Light | Attack/special |
303 | Concert | Light | Attack/special |
304 | Sforring | Darkness | Attack/special |
305 | Diminuendo | Darkness | Attack/special |
306 | Intermezzo | Light | Attack/special |
307 | Crescendo | Darkness | Attack/special |
308 | Rhapsody | Light | Attack/special |
309 | Presto | Darkness | Attack/special |
310 | Finale | Light | Attack/special |
311 | Abrasing arrow | Fire | Attack/special |
312 | Volcanic pureo | Fire | Attack/special |
313 | Aquatic spear | Water | Attack/special |
314 | Glacier ax | Water | Attack/special |
315 | Meteoric Granada | Fire | Attack/special |
316 | Eye of the storm | Water | Attack/special |
317 | Infernal savory | Fire | Attack/special |
318 | Hellblood hammer | Water | Attack/special |
319 | Guadańa hot | Fire | Attack/special |
320 | Magic Chákram | Neutral | Attack/special |
321 | Sorcerer's breath | Neutral | Attack/special |
322 | Magic sip | Neutral | Attack/special |
323 | Pilar de los Cielos | Cronos | Attack/special |
324 | Interdimensional shadow | Darkness | Attack/special |
325 | Megainundation | Water | Attack/special |
326 | Prominence | Fire | Attack/special |
327 | Overwhelming personality | Wind | Attack/special |
328 | Planetary soul | Cronos | Attack/special |
329 | Fulgent Seraph | Light | Protective spirit |
330 | Darkness Devils | Darkness | Protective spirit |
331 | Infernal fire | Fire | Protective spirit |
332 | Sacred Manantial | Water | Protective spirit |
333 | Temporary delay | Cronos | Protective spirit |
334 | Distorted wind | Wind | Protective spirit |
335 | Fire Aura 1 | Fire | Defense/Aura |
336 | Water aura 1 | Water | Defense/Aura |
337 | Aura de Luz 1 | Light | Defense/Aura |
338 | Aura of darkness 1 | Darkness | Defense/Aura |
339 | CRONOS AURA 1 | Cronos | Defense/Aura |
340 | Wind aura 1 | Wind | Defense/Aura |
341 | Fire Aura 2 | Fire | Defense/Aura |
342 | Water aura 2 | Water | Defense/Aura |
343 | Aura de Luz 2 | Light | Defense/Aura |
344 | Aura of darkness 2 | Darkness | Defense/Aura |
3. 4. 5 | Cronos 2 aura | Cronos | Defense/Aura |
346 | Aura of wind 2 | Wind | Defense/Aura |
347 | Fire Aura 3 | Fire | Defense/Aura |
348 | Aura de Agua 3 | Water | Defense/Aura |
349 | Aura de Luz 3 | Light | Defense/Aura |
350 | Aura of darkness 3 | Darkness | Defense/Aura |
351 | Cronos 3 aura | Cronos | Defense/Aura |
352 | Aura de Viento 3 | Wind | Defense/Aura |
353 | Fire Aura 4 | Fire | Defense/Aura |
354 | Water aura 4 | Water | Defense/Aura |
355 | Aura de Luz 4 | Light | Defense/Aura |
356 | Aura of darkness 4 | Darkness | Defense/Aura |
357 | Cronos 4 aura | Cronos | Defense/Aura |
358 | Wind Aura 4 | Wind | Defense/Aura |
359 | Fire Aura 5 | Fire | Defense/Aura |
360 | Water aura 5 | Water | Defense/Aura |
361 | Aura de Luz 5 | Light | Defense/Aura |
362 | Aura of darkness 5 | Darkness | Defense/Aura |
363 | Cronos 5 aura | Cronos | Defense/Aura |
364 | Wind Aura 5 | Wind | Defense/Aura |
365 | Fire Aura 6 | Fire | Defense/Aura |
366 | Water aura 6 | Water | Defense/Aura |
367 | Aura de Luz 6 | Light | Defense/Aura |
368 | Aura of darkness 6 | Darkness | Defense/Aura |
369 | Cronos 6 aura | Cronos | Defense/Aura |
370 | Wind Aura 6 | Wind | Defense/Aura |
371 | Silvestre strawberry | Neutral | Class |
372 | Maná stone | Darkness | Class |
373 | Coral plant | Neutral | Class |
374 | Ancient branch | Neutral | Class |
375 | Azur sand | Neutral | Class |
376 | Shrike | Wind | Class |
377 | Real Garza | Wind | Class |
378 | Hawk | Wind | Class |
379 | Banzarrao | Wind | Class |
380 | Goldfinch | Wind | Class |
381 | Shark tooth | Water | Class |
382 | Scarlet shell | Water | Class |
383 | Barbo chin | Water | Class |
384 | Light Boya | Light | Class |
385 | Spiritual candle | Light | Class |
386 | Farewell | Light | Class |
387 | Jasper | Light | Class |
388 | Cerezo Capults | Neutral | Class |
389 | Purple rose | Neutral | Class |
390 | Plum cap | Neutral | Class |
391 | Pineapple | Neutral | Class |
392 | Pastor bag | Neutral | Class |
393 | Tradescantia petals | Neutral | Class |
394 | Draco | – | Constellation |
395 | Candle | – | Constellation |
396 | Puppis | – | Constellation |
397 | Aquarius | – | Constellation |
398 | Pyxis | – | Constellation |
399 | Carina | – | Constellation |
400 | Cygnus | – | Constellation |
401 | Hydra | – | Constellation |
402 | Pisces | – | Constellation |
403 | Triangulum | – | Constellation |
404 | Charioteer | – | Constellation |
405 | Taurus | – | Constellation |
406 | Equuleus | – | Constellation |
407 | Lupus | – | Constellation |
408 | Persus | – | Constellation |
409 | Ursa Major | – | Constellation |
410 | Crater | – | Constellation |
411 | Andromeda | – | Constellation |
412 | Borealis Corona | – | Constellation |
413 | Austrinus Pisces | – | Constellation |
414 | Crown Australis | – | Constellation |
415 | Virgo | – | Constellation |
416 | Hercules | – | Constellation |
417 | Cepheus | – | Constellation |
418 | Capricornus | – | Constellation |
419 | Ara | – | Constellation |
420 | LEPUS | – | Constellation |
421 | Serpens | – | Constellation |
422 | Ophiuchus | – | Constellation |
423 | Cancer | – | Constellation |
424 | Lyra | – | Constellation |
425 | Pound | – | Constellation |
426 | Delphinus | – | Constellation |
427 | Sagitta | – | Constellation |
428 | Leo | – | Constellation |
429 | Sagittarius | – | Constellation |
430 | Ursa Minor | – | Constellation |
431 | Scorpius | – | Constellation |
432 | Pegasus | – | Constellation |
433 | Aries | – | Constellation |
434 | Cassiopeia | – | Constellation |
435 | Gemini | – | Constellation |
436 | Boets | – | Constellation |
437 | Centaurus | – | Constellation |
438 | Canis Minor | – | Constellation |
439 | Canis Major | – | Constellation |
440 | Corvus | – | Constellation |
441 | Eridanus | – | Constellation |
442 | Aquila | – | Constellation |
443 | Cetus | – | Constellation |
444 | Old buckle | Cronos | equipment |
445 | Scales buckle | Neutral | equipment |
446 | Silver buckle | Neutral | equipment |
447 | Medialuna buckle | Darkness | equipment |
448 | Ice buckle | Water | equipment |
449 | Gold buckle | Neutral | equipment |
450 | Platinum buckle | Neutral | equipment |
451 | Mother Earth Buckle | Neutral | equipment |
452 | Skull buckle | Darkness | equipment |
453 | Lunar buckle | Darkness | equipment |
454 | Elegant slave | Neutral | equipment |
455 | Slave of the winds | Wind | equipment |
456 | Silver slave | Neutral | equipment |
457 | Magic slave | Neutral | equipment |
458 | Slave mirror | Water | equipment |
459 | Gold bracelet | Neutral | equipment |
460 | Slave Powder Slave | Water | equipment |
461 | Solar slave | Light | equipment |
462 | Slave Slave | Darkness | equipment |
463 | Pegasus slave | Wind | equipment |
464 | Bamboo nasa | Water | equipment |
465 | NASA of CUST | Water | equipment |
466 | Ciprés nasa | Water | equipment |
467 | Junco nasa | Water | equipment |
468 | NASA Moon Luz | Darkness | equipment |
469 | Ermit nasa | Darkness | equipment |
470 | Fishbowl | Water | equipment |
471 | Poseidon NASA | Water | equipment |
472 | NASA Skull | Darkness | equipment |
473 | Whale nasa | Water | equipment |
474 | Red Pendienes | Neutral | equipment |
475 | Crystal slopes | Neutral | equipment |
476 | Ruby earrings | Neutral | equipment |
477 | Silver earrings | Neutral | equipment |
478 | ESMERALDAS EARRINGS | Neutral | equipment |
479 | Gold earrings | Neutral | equipment |
480 | Amethyst earrings | Neutral | equipment |
481 | Ostentatious pending | Neutral | equipment |
482 | Skull slopes | Darkness | equipment |
483 | Platinum earrings | Neutral | equipment |
484 | Rubber pin | Neutral | equipment |
485 | Feathers | Wind | equipment |
486 | Butterfly pin | Wind | equipment |
487 | Silver pin | Neutral | equipment |
488 | Scorpion pin | Neutral | equipment |
489 | Gold pin | Neutral | equipment |
490 | Sunflower pin | Light | equipment |
491 | Dragon pin | Fire | equipment |
492 | Skull pin | Darkness | equipment |
493 | Fairy pin | Light | equipment |
494 | Stunned little bird | Wind | equipment |
495 | Lick bird | Wind | equipment |
496 | Mohican bird | Wind | equipment |
497 | Tear bird | Wind | equipment |
498 | Fatal bow tie | Wind | equipment |
499 | Cinderella bird | Cronos | equipment |
500 | Pajita Repipi | Wind | equipment |
501 | Adult bird | Darkness | equipment |
502 | Calavera bird | Darkness | equipment |
503 | Surprise bird | Wind | equipment |
504 | Shish Kebab (little) | Neutral | Object |
505 | Shish Kebab (Medium) | Neutral | Object |
506 | Shish Kebab (big) | Neutral | Object |
507 | Shish Kebab mixed | Neutral | Object |
508 | Biscuit | Neutral | Object |
509 | Megabizcocho | Neutral | Object |
510 | ROSCÓN | Neutral | Object |
511 | Tartlet | Neutral | Object |
512 | Cake | Neutral | Object |
513 | Cake | Neutral | Object |
514 | Minipetisú | Neutral | Object |
515 | Petisu | Neutral | Object |
516 | Superpetisu | Neutral | Object |
517 | Grandmother's cookies | Neutral | Object |
518 | Stuffed chocolate | Neutral | Object |
519 | Apple cake (portion) | Neutral | Object |
520 | Apple pie | Neutral | Object |
521 | Pretzels | Neutral | Object |
522 | Jelly Fruits | Neutral | Object |
523 | Trufa de Castańa | Neutral | Object |
524 | Magic beans (death) | Neutral | Object |
525 | Magic beans (dream) | Neutral | Object |
526 | Magic beans (paralysis) | Neutral | Object |
527 | Magic beans (freezing) | Neutral | Object |
528 | Magic beans (flames) | Neutral | Object |
529 | Magic beans (poison) | Neutral | Object |
530 | Magic beans (migrań) | Neutral | Object |
531 | Magic beans (confusion) | Neutral | Object |
532 | Magic beans (all +50) | Neutral | Object |
533 | Magic beans (all +100) | Neutral | Object |
534 | Dried meat | Neutral | Object |
535 | Pet food | Neutral | Object |
536 | Grilled burger | Fire | Object |
537 | Vanilla ice cream | Water | Object |
538 | Beef stew | Fire | Object |
539 | Cheese fondue | Neutral | Object |
540 | Chemical value | Neutral | Object |
541 | Fireworks | Fire | Object |
542 | Grapes | Neutral | Object |
543 | Rotten grapes | Neutral | Object |
544 | Sweet wine with do | Water | Object |
545 | Vinegar | Water | Object |
546 | Avinarado wine | Water | Object |
547 | Raw rice | Neutral | Object |
548 | Rice wine | Water | Object |
549 | Temperate rice wine | Water | Object |
550 | Hot rice wine | Fire | Object |
551 | Sacred Grail | Light | Object |
552 | Sacred wine | Light | Object |
553 | Oak wood | Neutral | Object |
554 | Fantoche Tolero | Neutral | Object |
555 | Quality coal | Fire | Object |
556 | Lea coal | Fire | Object |
557 | Rice | Neutral | Object |
558 | Rice pasta | Neutral | Object |
559 | Sushi rice | Neutral | Object |
560 | Squid | Water | Object |
561 | Rotten fish | Water | Object |
562 | Roasted squid | Neutral | Object |
563 | Quiet woman | Darkness | Object |
564 | Boat mockery | Neutral | Object |
565 | Green Tea | Water | Object |
566 | Big cup | Neutral | Object |
567 | Good green tea | Water | Object |
568 | Wasabi tender | Neutral | Object |
569 | Wasabi | Neutral | Object |
570 | Wasabi of the good | Neutral | Object |
571 | Wheat | Neutral | Object |
572 | Beer | Water | Object |
573 | Silkworm | Neutral | Object |
574 | Silk cocoon | Neutral | Object |
575 | Silk | Light | Object |
576 | Fresh meat | Neutral | Object |
577 | Rotten meat | Neutral | Object |
578 | Birch | Neutral | Object |
579 | Birch gum | Neutral | Object |
580 | Milk | Neutral | Object |
581 | Cheese | Neutral | Object |
582 | Green mold | Cronos | Object |
583 | Sugar cane | Neutral | Object |
584 | Sugar | Neutral | Object |
585 | Strawberries | Neutral | Object |
586 | Rotten fruit | Neutral | Object |
587 | Flor Capullo | Neutral | Object |
588 | Dead flower | Darkness | Object |
589 | Beautiful flower | Neutral | Object |
590 | Rotten roots | Neutral | Object |
591 | dried flowers | Neutral | Object |
592 | Doll | Neutral | Object |
593 | Muńca Llorona | Darkness | Object |
594 | Dolly | Neutral | Object |
595 | Muńca del Odio | Darkness | Object |
596 | Apple | Neutral | Object |
597 | Forbidden fruit | Cronos | Object |
598 | Egg | Neutral | Object |
599 | Ugly Duckling | Neutral | Object |
600 | Swan | Wind | Object |
601 | Bomb | Fire | Object |
602 | Defective pump | Fire | Object |
603 | Green light | Cronos | Object |
604 | Amber light | Cronos | Object |
605 | Red light | Cronos | Object |
606 | Pieces of ice | Water | Object |
607 | Mineral water | Water | Object |
608 | Ice sculpture | Water | Object |
609 | Cherries | Neutral | Object |
610 | Orange | Neutral | Object |
611 | Icerain tangerine | Water | Object |
612 | Melon | Neutral | Object |
613 | Pac-Man | Neutral | Object |
614 | Pac-Lond | Neutral | Object |
615 | Pac-Mania | Neutral | Object |
616 | Peach | Neutral | Object |
617 | The peach boy | Neutral | Object |
618 | Wonder Momo | Neutral | Object |
619 | Fruit sorbet | Neutral | Object |
620 | Fruit pie | Neutral | Object |
621 | Bonsai pine | Neutral | Object |
622 | Bonsai pine resin | Neutral | Object |
623 | Cedar wood | Neutral | Object |
624 | Cedro sap | Water | Object |
625 | Amber | Cronos | Object |
626 | Dog size | Neutral | Object |
627 | Monkey | Neutral | Object |
628 | Size of a pheisan | Neutral | Object |
629 | Branches | Neutral | Object |
630 | Rotten wood | Neutral | Object |
631 | Incense | Neutral | Object |
632 | Ashes | Neutral | Object |
633 | Treasure | Light | Object |
634 | Green bananas | Neutral | Object |
635 | Bananas | Neutral | Object |
636 | Bananas Pochos | Neutral | Object |
637 | Premium bananas | Neutral | Object |
638 | Shrimp | Water | Object |
639 | Rod | Neutral | Object |
640 | Golden | Water | Object |
641 | Pretty | Water | Object |
642 | Eel | Water | Object |
643 | Vinegar plums | Neutral | Object |
644 | Riceball | Neutral | Object |
645 | Rotten food | Neutral | Object |
646 | Roasted rice ball | Fire | Object |
647 | Red oak flower | Fire | Object |
648 | Inexpressive siren | Neutral | Object |
649 | Sirena tear | Water | Object |
650 | Sunflower currency | Light | Object |
651 | PRIMULA CURRENCY | Darkness | Object |
652 | Bright sun currency | Light | Object |
653 | Dark sun currency | Darkness | Object |
654 | Good luck | Neutral | Object |
655 | Very good fortune | Neutral | Object |
656 | Bad luck | Neutral | Object |
657 | Normal fortune | Neutral | Object |
658 | Very bad fortune | Darkness | Object |
659 | Intriguing mystery | Neutral | Object |
660 | Without solving mystery | Darkness | Object |
661 | MALEFIC ASZES | Darkness | Object |
662 | Caquis | Neutral | Object |
663 | Dry caquis | Neutral | Object |
664 | Crazy | Neutral | Object |
665 | The magician | Neutral | Object |
666 | The priestess | Neutral | Object |
667 | The Empress | Neutral | Object |
668 | The emperor | Neutral | Object |
669 | The high priest | Neutral | Object |
670 | Lovers | Neutral | Object |
671 | The car | Neutral | Object |
672 | The force | Neutral | Object |
673 | The hermit | Neutral | Object |
674 | Wheel of fortune | Neutral | Object |
675 | Justice | Neutral | Object |
676 | Hangman | Neutral | Object |
677 | Death | Neutral | Object |
678 | Temperance | Neutral | Object |
679 | The devil | Neutral | Object |
680 | Tower | Neutral | Object |
681 | The star | Neutral | Object |
682 | Moon | Neutral | Object |
683 | Sun | Neutral | Object |
684 | The trial | Neutral | Object |
685 | The world | Neutral | Object |
686 | Fire | Fire | Object |
687 | Fire | Fire | Object |
688 | Firefighter Medal | Water | Object |
689 | Woman helpless | Neutral | Object |
690 | Woman performed | Neutral | Object |
691 | Victory Goddess | Light | Object |
692 | Small debt | Neutral | Object |
693 | Interest debt | Neutral | Object |
694 | Galloping debt | Neutral | Object |
695 | Sea of debts | Darkness | Object |
696 | Savings Book | Neutral | Object |
697 | Interest savings | Neutral | Object |
698 | Shampoo | Water | Object |
699 | Conditioner | Water | Object |
700 | Anticaspa | Water | Object |
701 | Hair dryer | Fire | Object |
702 | Strange Action Figure | Cronos | Object |
703 | Photo of lovers | Neutral | Object |
704 | Break photo | Neutral | Object |
705 | Nostalgic photo | Cronos | Object |
706 | ˇMaldita Photo! | Darkness | Object |
707 | Small change | Neutral | Object |
708 | Collection currency | Cronos | Object |
709 | Stigia passage | Darkness | Object |
710 | Mattress | Neutral | Object |
711 | Broken mattress | Neutral | Object |
712 | Maple Leaf | Neutral | Object |
713 | Bookmark | Neutral | Object |
714 | Disputed notebook | Cronos | Object |
715 | Blank notebook | Neutral | Object |
716 | Magic brush | Neutral | Object |
717 | Proteston brush | Neutral | Object |
718 | Prophet's notebook | Cronos | Object |
719 | Director's notebook | Darkness | Object |
720 | Unicorn horn | Light | Object |
721 | Unicorn cornea | Light | Object |
722 | Jill jeweler | Neutral | Object |
723 | Surprise box | Neutral | Object |
724 | Magic piggy bank | Neutral | Object |
725 | Full Hucha | Neutral | Object |
726 | Broken piggy bank | Neutral | Object |
727 | Air jug | Wind | Object |
728 | Cloudy emblem | Darkness | Object |
729 | Rainy emblem | Water | Object |
730 | Rainbow emblem | Wind | Object |
731 | Fried egg | Fire | Object |
732 | Gouge | Neutral | Object |
733 | Divorce papers | Neutral | Object |
734 | Pegasus horn | Light | Object |
735 | Feather | Neutral | Object |
736 | Compensation | Darkness | Object |
737 | Beetle | Neutral | Object |
738 | Peanuts | Neutral | Object |
739 | Chicken kebab | Neutral | Object |
740 | Chamuscada meat | Darkness | Object |
741 | Grilled fish | Fire | Object |
742 | Roasted potato | Fire | Object |
743 | Splendid hair | Fire | Object |
744 | Monolith brush | Neutral | Object |
745 | Tri-crescendo brush | Neutral | Object |
746 | Monolith brochure | Neutral | Object |
747 | TRI-CRES EMPLOYMENT OFFER | Neutral | Object |
748 | Fan | Neutral | Object |
749 | Boiled egg | Neutral | Object |
750 | Lea coal eel | Fire | Object |
751 | Nice slices | Neutral | Object |
752 | Knife | Neutral | Object |
753 | Secret Recipe 1 | Neutral | Object |
754 | Secret Recipe 2 | Neutral | Object |
755 | Secret Recipe 3 | Neutral | Object |
756 | Secret Recipe 4 | Neutral | Object |
757 | Secret Recipe 5 | Neutral | Object |
758 | Secret Recipe 6 | Neutral | Object |
759 | Secret Recipe 7 | Neutral | Object |
760 | Secret Recipe 8 | Neutral | Object |
761 | Secret Recipe 9 | Neutral | Object |
762 | Secret Recipe 10 | Neutral | Object |
763 | Chamuscado fish | Darkness | Object |
764 | Melted ice cream | Water | Object |
765 | Soy | Neutral | Object |
766 | Soy sauce | Neutral | Object |
767 | Straw | Neutral | Object |
768 | Fermented soy | Neutral | Object |
769 | Avocado | Neutral | Object |
770 | Oily tuna | Water | Object |
771 | Custard | Water | Object |
772 | Sea urchin | Neutral | Object |
773 | Greencut in pickle | Neutral | Object |
774 | Honey | Neutral | Object |
775 | Caste | Neutral | Object |
776 | Cucumbers | Neutral | Object |
777 | Curry | Neutral | Object |
778 | Curry rested | Neutral | Object |
779 | Quality curry | Neutral | Object |
780 | Bacon | Neutral | Object |
781 | Bamboo outbreak | Neutral | Object |
782 | Young bamboo | Neutral | Object |
783 | Pork ribs | Neutral | Object |
784 | Blue and red pencil | Neutral | Object |
785 | Cucumbers in vinegar | Neutral | Object |
786 | Quality pickups | Cronos | Object |
787 | Veal | Neutral | Object |
788 | Veal (good) | Neutral | Object |
789 | Veal (very good) | Neutral | Object |
790 | Veal (the best) | Neutral | Object |
791 | Ox tongue | Neutral | Object |
792 | Red wine | Water | Object |
793 | yesterday's leftover came | Water | Object |
794 | Strawberry milkshake | Water | Object |
795 | Strawberry ice | Water | Object |
796 | Melon ganitare | Water | Object |
797 | Bouquet of flowers | Neutral | Object |
798 | dead flowers | Neutral | Object |
799 | Fruit basket | Neutral | Object |
800 | Rotten fruit basket | Neutral | Object |
801 | Fresh sashimi | Water | Object |
802 | Sashimi rotten | Darkness | Object |
803 | Sashimi boat | Water | Object |
804 | Rotten sashimi ship | Darkness | Object |
805 | Japanese breakfast | Neutral | Object |
806 | Love letter (part 1) | Neutral | Object |
807 | Love letter (Part 2) | Neutral | Object |
808 | Love letter (part 3) | Neutral | Object |
809 | Psychopath letter | Neutral | Object |
810 | Amorios Diario 1 | Neutral | Object |
811 | A love affairs 2 | Neutral | Object |
812 | Diario de Amorios 3 | Neutral | Object |
813 | Hate Diary 1 | Neutral | Object |
814 | Sketchpad | Neutral | Object |
815 | Voodoo doll | Darkness | Object |
816 | Eggplants in vinegar | Neutral | Object |
817 | Insurance money | Neutral | Object |
818 | Blue pencil | Neutral | Object |
819 | Green plums | Neutral | Object |
820 | Rooster | Neutral | Object |
821 | Rice paper | Neutral | Object |
822 | Migrań seed | Neutral | Object |
823 | Carmine tongue twisters | Neutral | Object |
824 | SUPERSPONJOUS RICE | Light | Object |
825 | Quality rice | Light | Object |
826 | Surprise Ciruelanguila | Neutral | Object |
827 | Bread recently ovened | Neutral | Object |
828 | Strange concoction | Neutral | Object |
829 | Strawberry jam | Neutral | Object |
830 | Western breakfast | Neutral | Object |
831 | Curry with rice | Neutral | Object |
832 | Special curry with rice | Neutral | Object |
833 | Sea hedgehogo surprise | Neutral | Object |
834 | Silky lock | Neutral | Object |
835 | Angel Lock | Light | Object |
836 | Death mark | Darkness | Object |
837 | Golden baked | Neutral | Object |
838 | Help in brine | Neutral | Object |
839 | Hate Diary 2 | Neutral | Object |
840 | Diary of Hate 3 | Neutral | Object |
841 | Good sushi | Neutral | Object |
842 | Poisonous sushi | Darkness | Object |
843 | Forehead tape | Neutral | Object |
844 | Karate tape | Neutral | Object |
845 | Sabertooth | – | Photography/enemy |
846 | Spirit of the spring | – | Photography/enemy |
847 | Thunder fish | – | Photography/enemy |
848 | Imperial Insectron v | – | Photography/enemy |
849 | Spirit of winds | – | Photography/enemy |
850 | Gnosis | – | Photography/enemy |
851 | Imperial Insectron I | – | Photography/enemy |
852 | Imperial Insectron II | – | Photography/enemy |
853 | Tree spirit | – | Photography/enemy |
854 | Magnus giganticus | – | Photography/enemy |
855 | Sécreto | – | Photography/enemy |
856 | Fright | – | Photography/enemy |
857 | Giacomo | – | Photography/enemy |
858 | Ayme | – | Photography/enemy |
859 | Geldoblame | – | Photography/enemy |
860 | Naiad | – | Photography/enemy |
861 | Talasa | – | Photography/enemy |
862 | DESCINA | – | Photography/enemy |
863 | Galatea | – | Photography/enemy |
864 | Hiery goddess | – | Photography/enemy |
865 | Folon | – | Photography/enemy |
866 | Kalas: Angel of Darkness | – | Photography/enemy |
867 | Agyo | – | Photography/enemy |
868 | Malpercio | – | Photography/enemy |
869 | Sorcerer shadow | – | Photography/enemy |
870 | ARCANO GOD: CA | – | Photography/enemy |
871 | Arcano God: To | – | Photography/enemy |
872 | ARCANO GOD: AB | – | Photography/enemy |
873 | Arcano God: Bra | – | Photography/enemy |
874 | Arcano God: Pi | – | Photography/enemy |
875 | Ungyo | – | Photography/enemy |
876 | Imperial soldier | – | Photography/enemy |
877 | Imperial Sergeant | – | Photography/enemy |
878 | Black helmet | – | Photography/enemy |
879 | UNUK | – | Photography/enemy |
880 | Prowler | – | Photography/enemy |
881 | Fiera del Magma | – | Photography/enemy |
882 | Aguijuélago | – | Photography/enemy |
883 | Chupasangres | – | Photography/enemy |
884 | Killer sting | – | Photography/enemy |
885 | Ignito | – | Photography/enemy |
886 | Mysterious call | – | Photography/enemy |
887 | Glacial fire | – | Photography/enemy |
888 | Burning soul | – | Photography/enemy |
889 | Pulpuc | – | Photography/enemy |
890 | Barmul | – | Photography/enemy |
891 | Gulbarmul | – | Photography/enemy |
892 | Liérnages | – | Photography/enemy |
893 | Polar Lienages | – | Photography/enemy |
894 | Lethal lérnages | – | Photography/enemy |
895 | Albireo | – | Photography/enemy |
896 | FLOBO | – | Photography/enemy |
897 | MIRABILIS | – | Photography/enemy |
898 | Lanocaulis | – | Photography/enemy |
899 | Skeleton warrior | – | Photography/enemy |
900 | Not dead swordsman | – | Photography/enemy |
901 | Macabro outlaw | – | Photography/enemy |
902 | Marine Zombi | – | Photography/enemy |
903 | Mollusco Witch | – | Photography/enemy |
904 | Magic mollusk | – | Photography/enemy |
905 | Arcane mollusk | – | Photography/enemy |
906 | Malignant gars | – | Photography/enemy |
907 | Dark claws | – | Photography/enemy |
908 | Ghostly claws | – | Photography/enemy |
909 | Aheron | – | Photography/enemy |
910 | MAUMAUGÚ | – | Photography/enemy |
911 | Crystalline spider | – | Photography/enemy |
912 | Arachnid | – | Photography/enemy |
913 | Diabolical hands | – | Photography/enemy |
914 | Demonic hands | – | Photography/enemy |
915 | Wokoob Kakish | – | Photography/enemy |
916 | Almanek | – | Photography/enemy |
917 | Mafriga | – | Photography/enemy |
918 | Ortro | – | Photography/enemy |
919 | Breacher | – | Photography/enemy |
920 | Bauganum | – | Photography/enemy |
921 | Ceratobus | – | Photography/enemy |
922 | Foytow | – | Photography/enemy |
923 | Rulug | – | Photography/enemy |
924 | Imperial Walker | – | Photography/enemy |
925 | Dark Walker | – | Photography/enemy |
926 | Macabre Walker | – | Photography/enemy |
927 | GAGAREK | – | Photography/enemy |
928 | Drink | – | Photography/enemy |
929 | Zuzlani | – | Photography/enemy |
930 | Laramuga | – | Photography/enemy |
931 | Alavarum | – | Photography/enemy |
932 | Diabolos | – | Photography/enemy |
933 | VARALBA | – | Photography/enemy |
934 | Vorleg | – | Photography/enemy |
935 | Wolgarb | – | Photography/enemy |
936 | Apollion | – | Photography/enemy |
937 | Damn spell book | – | Photography/enemy |
938 | Damn grimorio | – | Photography/enemy |
939 | Chiller | – | Photography/enemy |
940 | Gray Liérganes | – | Photography/enemy |
941 | Raymu | – | Photography/enemy |
942 | Kulcabaran | – | Photography/enemy |
943 | Brolokis | – | Photography/enemy |
944 | Rampulus | – | Photography/enemy |
945 | Fadroh | – | Photography/enemy |
946 | Sauzana | – | Photography/enemy |
947 | Imperial guard | – | Photography/enemy |
948 | Imperial Superior | – | Photography/enemy |
949 | Babaza | – | Photography/enemy |
950 | Nunkirántula | – | Photography/enemy |
951 | Tentacle | – | Photography/enemy |
952 | Photo of Kalas | – | Photography/hero |
953 | Xelha's photo | – | Photography/hero |
954 | Gibari photo | – | Photography/hero |
955 | Lyude photo | – | Photography/hero |
956 | Photo of Savyna | – | Photography/hero |
957 | Mizuti photo | – | Photography/hero |
958 | Mizuti without a mask | – | Photography/hero |
959 | Kalas Rare Photo | – | Photography/hero |
960 | XELHA RARE PHOTO | – | Photography/hero |
961 | Gibari's rare photo | – | Photography/hero |
962 | Rare photo of Lyude | – | Photography/hero |
963 | Savyna's rare photo | – | Photography/hero |
964 | Mizuti's rare photo | – | Photography/hero |
965 | Mizuti overlap | – | Photography/hero |
966 | Unpopular picture | – | Magna essence |
967 | Piropo Result | – | Magna essence |
968 | Outdated compliment | – | Magna essence |
969 | Ideals of youth | – | Magna essence |
970 | Secret information | – | Magna essence |
971 | Open secret | – | Magna essence |
972 | Magnus empty | – | Magna essence |
973 | Clear water | – | Magna essence |
974 | Stagnant water | – | Magna essence |
975 | Live call | – | Magna essence |
976 | Weak call | – | Magna essence |
977 | Vacuerca milk | – | Magna essence |
978 | Cloud | – | Magna essence |
979 | Heavenly Flower Seed | – | Magna essence |
980 | Celestial Flower Capullo | – | Magna essence |
981 | Heavenly flower | – | Magna essence |
982 | PAIPAY DUCK EGG | – | Magna essence |
983 | Hard-boiled egg | – | Magna essence |
984 | Snow | – | Magna essence |
985 | Wash | – | Magna essence |
986 | Stone | – | Magna essence |
987 | Flying fish | – | Magna essence |
988 | Rotten flying fish | – | Magna essence |
989 | Vacuerca yogurt | – | Magna essence |
990 | Vacuerca cheese | – | Magna essence |
991 | Cauchoso mud | – | Magna essence |
992 | Rubber piece | – | Magna essence |
993 | Gold beetle | – | Magna essence |
994 | gold nugget | – | Magna essence |
995 | Saltwater | – | Magna essence |
996 | Salt | – | Magna essence |
997 | Hot stone | – | Magna essence |
998 | Oil | – | Magna essence |
999 | Dry flower | – | Magna essence |
1000 | Cebalrai apple | – | Magna essence |
1001 | Cider vinegar | – | Magna essence |
1002 | Guerreros memories | – | Magna essence |
1003 | Warrior relics | – | Magna essence |
1004 | Gold Pique | – | Magna essence |
1005 | Real Blazon of Diadem | – | Magna essence |
1006 | Storybook | – | Magna essence |
1007 | Adventure novel | – | Magna essence |
1008 | Blue | – | Magna essence |
1009 | Spicy novel | – | Magna essence |
1010 | Gem salt | – | Magna essence |
1011 | Ephemeral grass | – | Magna essence |
1012 | Thunder | – | Magna essence |
1013 | Cebalrai cider | – | Magna essence |
1014 | Flower without name | – | Magna essence |
1015 | Explosives | – | Magna essence |
1016 | Stilling snow | – | Magna essence |
1017 | Frightening painting | – | Magna essence |
1018 | False stone | – | Magna essence |
1019 | Roasted bird | – | Magna essence |
1020 | Agusanada meat | – | Magna essence |
1021 | Family tree | – | Magna essence |
1022 | Precious picture | – | Magna essence |