Port Royale Cheats 3: Pirates & Merchants – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides

Xbox Live Achievements of Port Royale 3: Pirates & Merchants

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Davy Jones box office 1 000 Sunk ships. fifty
HEñor of war Have at least 5,000 cañYouans in a single game. fifty
Pabes Occupy 15,000 employees in a single game. fifty
Discardable weapons Use 4,000 hand weapons in approach fighting. fifty
Defending Rejects 5 attacks from a nation to cities. fifty
Checkmate Reduces the number of cities from a nation to two. fifty
… Vidi … Get control of 15 cities in a single game. fifty
… Vici! Get control of 30 cities in a single game. fifty
Treasure chest Save 4 million gold coins in a game. 25
Pacifier Conquest a city through MéAll peaceful. 25
David against Goliath Win a battle against at least 60 cañYouans with a pineza. 25
Collector instinct Have all types of ship in a game. 25
Under the keel Rescue 100 Shark sailors. 25
Fresh water sailor Build 250 buildings. 25
Accommodate The patrols have fought 500 battles. 25
Booty hunting 25,000 saved barrels. 25
Hoarder Have 250,000 barrels of merchandise in a single game. 25
Eh, mr. Counter Trade a total of 100,000 barrels manually. 25
Sea Wolf Spend 50 hours in the Caribbean. 25
Yes my captain! Reach the greatest range. 25
Smart boy It carries to the fullest a captain’s skills. 25
Come… Get control of 5 cities in a single game. 25
Everything is new! Build all new buildings in a game. 25
Green consciousness Plant 100 trees and plants in a game. 25
Questionable magnate Build 10 brothels in a game. 25
Self -made Build 10 line ships in the shipyard. 25
I respect! Get the utmost respect as a pirate. 25
HEñor of the seas ConviéRtete in the most infamous pirates. 25
Gold addict Loot 100.000 gold. 25
Your ship is mine Navigate in 10 ships. 25
The black market Loot 30.000 barrels in pirate mode. 25
Urban neurosis Complete “Christi’s Ascension”. 25
Money addiction Complete “the bet with Pablo”. 25
Pirate terror Complete “Pirate Hunt”. 25
Partying Complete “The Great Party”. 25
Your new boat, ar! You have bought the first ship 10
Melancholia First ship sold 10
Hala, arranged! Perform an emergency repair 10
Hypocrite Pray 10 times. 10
To the order 10 tasks fulfilled. 10
Great Drink Visit 60 taverns. 10
Treasury hunter Use a treasure map to find a treasure. 10
Vigness post Discover 10 pirate nests in a single game. 10
Always welcome Get the greatest reputation in a nation. 10
Aut Heroénico Get the greatest popularity in a city. 10
Bravo! Tutorial completed with éxito. 10
Conqueror Annexes the city of another nation. 10
Wedding bells Consider. 10
Impeccable victory Win a battle without suffering any dañeither. 10
Borrón and New Account Greater fame as “merchant” 10
Wolf with sheep’s skin Greater fame as “corsair”. 10
Belzebú Greater fame as “Pirate”. 10
Maiden voyage First time at sea. 10
Ahoy there! First Naval Battle. 10
Rrr! First approach with éxito of a ship. 10
Baptism Name a convoy. 10
The message is trade, colleague Maintain an active commercial route for 365 days. 10
Pillage Take an ambush to a merchant. 10
Iron Destroy a pirate convoy. 10
Law Destroy 10 pirate hiding places. 10



Inaugural trip: first time at sea. Law of the law: destroy 10 pirate hiding places. ˇArrr!: First successful approach to a ship. Looting: I ambush a merchant. Belzebú: Greater fame as “Pirate”. Conqueror: Annexes the city of another nation. Vigía Post: Discover 10 pirate nests in a single game. Impeccable victory: wins a battle without suffering any damage. Your new boat, ˇar!: You bought the first ship. Hippocrita: Pray 10 times. Bravo!: Tutorial completed successfully. Great Drink: Visit 60 taverns. At order: 10 tasks fulfilled. Ahoy there!: First Naval Battle. Baptism: name a convoy. ˇThe message is trade, colleague!: Maintain an active commercial route for 365 days. ˇHala, arranged!: Perform an emergency repair. Treasury hunter: use a treasure map to find a treasure. Authentic hero: obtain the greatest popularity in a city. Walk on the iron: destroy a pirate convoy. Wedding bells: Consider. Borrón and new account: greater fame as “merchant”. Melancholy: First ship sold. Wlobo with lamb skin: greater fame as “corsair”. Always welcome: get the greatest reputation in a nation.


Yes my captain!: Reach the greatest range. Collector instinct: have all types of ship in a game. David against Goliath: He wins a battle against at least 60 channels with a pineza. Eh, mr. Accountant: Trade a total of 100.000 barrels manually. Popper: Ten 250.000 barrels of merchandise in a single game. Booty hunting: 25.000 barrels looted. Under the keel: Rescue 100 Shark sailors. Fresh water sailor: build 250 buildings. Accommodate: patrols have fought 500 battles. Pacifier: Conquest a city through peaceful methods. Sea wolf: spend 50 hours in the Caribbean. Treasury chest: save 4 million gold coins in a game. ˇVeni …: Get control of 5 cities in a single game. Ready boy: carries a captain’s skills to the fullest.


? Vici!: Get control of 30 cities in a single game. ? Vidi, ?: Get control of 15 cities in a single game. Discardable weapons: use 4000 hand weapons in approach fighting. Jaque mate: reduces the number of cities from a nation to two. Defense: rejects 5 attacks from a nation to cities. Davy Jones box office: 1.000 Sunk ships. Lord of the war: have at least 5,000 sapons in a single game. Puppet: occupy 15,000 employees in a single game.

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