Xbox Live Achievements of Port Royale 3: Pirates & Merchants
Davy Jones box office | 1 000 Sunk ships. | fifty |
HEñor of war | Have at least 5,000 cañYouans in a single game. | fifty |
Pabes | Occupy 15,000 employees in a single game. | fifty |
Discardable weapons | Use 4,000 hand weapons in approach fighting. | fifty |
Defending | Rejects 5 attacks from a nation to cities. | fifty |
Checkmate | Reduces the number of cities from a nation to two. | fifty |
… Vidi … | Get control of 15 cities in a single game. | fifty |
… Vici! | Get control of 30 cities in a single game. | fifty |
Treasure chest | Save 4 million gold coins in a game. | 25 |
Pacifier | Conquest a city through MéAll peaceful. | 25 |
David against Goliath | Win a battle against at least 60 cañYouans with a pineza. | 25 |
Collector instinct | Have all types of ship in a game. | 25 |
Under the keel | Rescue 100 Shark sailors. | 25 |
Fresh water sailor | Build 250 buildings. | 25 |
Accommodate | The patrols have fought 500 battles. | 25 |
Booty hunting | 25,000 saved barrels. | 25 |
Hoarder | Have 250,000 barrels of merchandise in a single game. | 25 |
Eh, mr. Counter | Trade a total of 100,000 barrels manually. | 25 |
Sea Wolf | Spend 50 hours in the Caribbean. | 25 |
Yes my captain! | Reach the greatest range. | 25 |
Smart boy | It carries to the fullest a captain’s skills. | 25 |
Come… | Get control of 5 cities in a single game. | 25 |
Everything is new! | Build all new buildings in a game. | 25 |
Green consciousness | Plant 100 trees and plants in a game. | 25 |
Questionable magnate | Build 10 brothels in a game. | 25 |
Self -made | Build 10 line ships in the shipyard. | 25 |
I respect! | Get the utmost respect as a pirate. | 25 |
HEñor of the seas | ConviéRtete in the most infamous pirates. | 25 |
Gold addict | Loot 100.000 gold. | 25 |
Your ship is mine | Navigate in 10 ships. | 25 |
The black market | Loot 30.000 barrels in pirate mode. | 25 |
Urban neurosis | Complete “Christi’s Ascension”. | 25 |
Money addiction | Complete “the bet with Pablo”. | 25 |
Pirate terror | Complete “Pirate Hunt”. | 25 |
Partying | Complete “The Great Party”. | 25 |
Your new boat, ar! | You have bought the first ship | 10 |
Melancholia | First ship sold | 10 |
Hala, arranged! | Perform an emergency repair | 10 |
Hypocrite | Pray 10 times. | 10 |
To the order | 10 tasks fulfilled. | 10 |
Great Drink | Visit 60 taverns. | 10 |
Treasury hunter | Use a treasure map to find a treasure. | 10 |
Vigness post | Discover 10 pirate nests in a single game. | 10 |
Always welcome | Get the greatest reputation in a nation. | 10 |
Aut Heroénico | Get the greatest popularity in a city. | 10 |
Bravo! | Tutorial completed with éxito. | 10 |
Conqueror | Annexes the city of another nation. | 10 |
Wedding bells | Consider. | 10 |
Impeccable victory | Win a battle without suffering any dañeither. | 10 |
Borrón and New Account | Greater fame as “merchant” | 10 |
Wolf with sheep’s skin | Greater fame as “corsair”. | 10 |
Belzebú | Greater fame as “Pirate”. | 10 |
Maiden voyage | First time at sea. | 10 |
Ahoy there! | First Naval Battle. | 10 |
Rrr! | First approach with éxito of a ship. | 10 |
Baptism | Name a convoy. | 10 |
The message is trade, colleague | Maintain an active commercial route for 365 days. | 10 |
Pillage | Take an ambush to a merchant. | 10 |
Iron | Destroy a pirate convoy. | 10 |
Law | Destroy 10 pirate hiding places. | 10 |
Inaugural trip: first time at sea. Law of the law: destroy 10 pirate hiding places. ˇArrr!: First successful approach to a ship. Looting: I ambush a merchant. Belzebú: Greater fame as “Pirate”. Conqueror: Annexes the city of another nation. Vigía Post: Discover 10 pirate nests in a single game. Impeccable victory: wins a battle without suffering any damage. Your new boat, ˇar!: You bought the first ship. Hippocrita: Pray 10 times. Bravo!: Tutorial completed successfully. Great Drink: Visit 60 taverns. At order: 10 tasks fulfilled. Ahoy there!: First Naval Battle. Baptism: name a convoy. ˇThe message is trade, colleague!: Maintain an active commercial route for 365 days. ˇHala, arranged!: Perform an emergency repair. Treasury hunter: use a treasure map to find a treasure. Authentic hero: obtain the greatest popularity in a city. Walk on the iron: destroy a pirate convoy. Wedding bells: Consider. Borrón and new account: greater fame as “merchant”. Melancholy: First ship sold. Wlobo with lamb skin: greater fame as “corsair”. Always welcome: get the greatest reputation in a nation.
Yes my captain!: Reach the greatest range. Collector instinct: have all types of ship in a game. David against Goliath: He wins a battle against at least 60 channels with a pineza. Eh, mr. Accountant: Trade a total of 100.000 barrels manually. Popper: Ten 250.000 barrels of merchandise in a single game. Booty hunting: 25.000 barrels looted. Under the keel: Rescue 100 Shark sailors. Fresh water sailor: build 250 buildings. Accommodate: patrols have fought 500 battles. Pacifier: Conquest a city through peaceful methods. Sea wolf: spend 50 hours in the Caribbean. Treasury chest: save 4 million gold coins in a game. ˇVeni …: Get control of 5 cities in a single game. Ready boy: carries a captain’s skills to the fullest.
? Vici!: Get control of 30 cities in a single game. ? Vidi, ?: Get control of 15 cities in a single game. Discardable weapons: use 4000 hand weapons in approach fighting. Jaque mate: reduces the number of cities from a nation to two. Defense: rejects 5 attacks from a nation to cities. Davy Jones box office: 1.000 Sunk ships. Lord of the war: have at least 5,000 sapons in a single game. Puppet: occupy 15,000 employees in a single game.