Not everything is what it seems Win all trophies.
Now I have nothing left to see Unlock all unlocked elements of disappointments.
I have nothing left to see Unlock all unlockable elements of the autobots.
A true disappointment Win Platinum Medals in all Missions of Decepticons.
A true autobot Win platinum medals in all the Missions of the Autobots.
Crusher Reaches a position between 1.First 000 in individual markers in any campaign.
Megatron’s master plan 75% complete the individual DC campaign at an expert level.
It smells like Victoria Win a game with each of the 15 predetermined characters.
Good luck Reaches a position between 10.First 000 in individual markers in any campaign.
The autobot streak 75% complete the individual campaign AB at an expert level.
Just a prime Defeat The Fallen as Optimus.
Traitor Defeat The Fallen as Megatron.
Massacre in Do minor Win a game with each new character.
Lies Medal in all the Missions of Cairo de los Decepticons.
On the scoreboard Reaches a position between 100.First 000 in individual markers in any campaign.
In Shanghai Medal in all Shanghai missions of the Decepticons.
do the math Get 2.000.000 Energy points in the Autobot Camp.
Bronze statue Win a bronze medal in any campaign.
Hardly Buy an improvement in any campaign.
Decisions… Unlock a new area in any campaign.
A special touch Fill the megakarga indicator in any campaign.
The Walking Dead Virus: kill someone with the viral trophy and then cause it in an matched or player game.
Choose a side Win an equalized or player with the Autobots and another with the disappointments.
There is not enough gold Win a silver medal in any campaign.
defending! Win a control points round without losing any control point in an equalized or player game.
THE POINT OF THE PUAL Medal in all the Missions of Cairo de los Autobots.
Follow the leader While you play the only survivor as a leader, kill the rival leader in an matched or player game.
platinum! Win a platinum medal in any campaign.
The soul of the party Create a game of each type in a player game.
ˇ Victoria on the West Coast! Medal in all the Missions of the West Coast of the Decepticons.
ˇIncreble trophy! Eliminates 250 disceptical in the autobot campaign.
Bank jump Get 3.000.000 Energy points in the disappointment campaign.
Energy for the people Buy all autobots improvements.
Bad guys Eliminates 350 autobots in the disappointment campaign.Only survivor defeat Megatron in the autobot campaign.
War Botín Buy all the improvements of the Decepticons.
The search for survival Win a round in any game mode on each new map.
The Fallen rises Medal in the Deep Six mission of the Decepticons.
The definitive weapon Defeat Megatron G1 with Optimus G1
Coast to coast Medal in all the east coast missions.
Main goal Defeat Optimus G1 with Megatron G1
One will fall Defeat Optimus prime in the disappointment campaign.
This Medal in all the east coast missions.
Thus the story begins… Unlock an unlockable element in any campaign.
At the rhythm of jazz Kill megatron from the movie with the jazz of the movie.
Aerobot assault Medal in all Deep 6 missions of the Autobots.
Soundwave is superior Defeat the film of the film with the movie Soundwave.
West Medal in all the Missions of the West Coast of the Autobots.
Refilón Defeat the movie with the movie with the movie Sideswipe
In Chinatown Medal in all Shanghai’s missions of the Autobots.
All have a weak point Defeat Megatron G1 with Starscream G1
Golden Boy Win a gold medal in any campaign.