Saints Row IV Cheats: Re -elected – PS4 – Cheat codes, Guides


In the game, click back to get the mobile. Go to extras, cheats and Ańadir Truco. Use one of the following codes to unlock modes and extras, but remember that the self -managed and the possibility of getting trophies will be deactivated.

All unlockable UnlockitITll


Large heads Bigheademode

Deactivate fx Noglitchcity

Evil cars Evilca

Rewinding Fastforward

Rebounds Fryhole

Crazy city Insanecity

Pet citizens Mascot

Citizens prostitutes Ho Ho Ho

Break cars easily Isquishyou

Fast movement Fastmotion

Player skills

In the game, click back to get the mobile. Go to extras, cheats and Ańadir Truco. Use one of the following codes to unlock modes and extras, but remember that the self -managed and the possibility of getting trophies will be deactivated.

Money ($ 100,000): Cheesearms: Letsrock Without Damage In Vehicle: Vroom Fix current vehicle: Repair Delete Notoriety: Goodygoody Infinite Carrera: Runfast Deactivate Warden Spawns: Nowardens Warden Notoriety Instant: Instantwarden Activate Blast: Superblast Activate Buff: Superbuff Activate Activate Death Fr.Superdfa Activate Stomp: Superstomp Activate Telekinesis: Sortk Deactivate Supermovications: Nosupermove Deactivate super powers: nosuperpowers

Secret weapon and ‘Easter Egg’

Look for the Let’s Trend store at New Baranec (Southwest Steelport) and enters. Shoot the door with the poster “Only Employees” with any weapon until it opens. Lower the stairs and reach a secret room with shooting galleries and images of developers. If you shoot the head of these people, fireworks will come out.

Go to the bathroom where there is an inflatable woman and a special weapon, Loud Locust, in the chair. This is a very powerful little gun, do you sound like something? Yes, it is a guide to noisy crick of men in black, and even has the same bestial setback that will launch you through the air.

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