Is you the first time you play Ratchet & Clank? Here you will find a guide to overcome this adventure.
Golden screws
1. VELDIN – 0: 052. Kerwan – 0: 443. Kerwan – 1: 214. Aridia – 1: 465. Aridia – 2: 276. Aridia – 3: 307. Nebula G34 – 4: 188. Rilgar – 4: 489. Rilgar – 5: 3410. Rilgar – 6: 2211. Gaspar – 6: 5912. Gaspar – 8: 2813. Gaspar – 9: 0414. Gaspar – 9: 2315. Natalia – 9: 5516. Natalia – 10: 1917. Natalia – 10: 4918. Quartu – 11: 2319. Quartu – 12: 3220. Quartu – 13: 1821. Pokitaru – 14: 5322. Pokitaru – 15: 2523. Pokitru – 16: 2524. Deplanetizer – 17: 0525. Deplanetizer – 17: 5526. Kalebo III – 18: 4527. Kalebo III – 19: 1328. Kalebo III – 20:11
Ryno Holocard
1. Rilgar (Ryno I) – 0: 052. Rilgar (Ryno II) – 0: 483. Kerwan (Zodiac) – 1: 334. Nebula G34 (Ryn3o) – 2: 265. Gaspar (Harbinger) – 3: 086. Natalia (Ryno IV) – 3: 397. Quartu (Ryno V) – 4: 258. Kalebo III (Ryno VI Protosuit) – 5: 029. Deplanetizer (Ryno VII) – 5:48
Go back to the trafficker – 6:17
Puzzles and solutions
1. Rilgar – 0: 052. Kerwan – 0: 343. Nebula G34 – 1: 144. Nebula G34 – 1: 425. Nebula G34 – 2: 116. Batalia – 2: 397. Natalia – 3: 158. Quartu – 3: 559. Quartu – 4: 2510. Quartu – 5: 0911. Pokitaru – 5: 5812. Pokitru – 6: 3613. Deplanetizer – 7: 1614. Deplanetizer – 7: 5115. Deplanetizer – 8: 4216. Deplanetizer – 9:21
Trophy ‘Death by Disco’
To get the “Death By Disc” trophy you need the 48 enemies to dance with the Groovitron. Many scams do not reappear and there is only one chance to do it throughout the game -like bosses-. There is no way to get it in the first game because the weapon gets late, you will have to start a second game in the challenge mode to have it from the beginning.
The list of enemies:
1. Veldin: Hony Toad – 0: 052. Veldin: Flamethrower Robot – 0: 213. Veldin: Glowing Slug – 0: 334. Veldin: Small Blarg Shooter – 0: 475. Veldin: Dropaship – 1: 026. Veldin: Warbot (version 1) – 1: 207. Novalis: Robot Bird (Peckbot) – 1: 388. Novalis: Yellow Grenade Launcher Robot – 1: 559. Kerwan: Robot Dog (Kerwan Version) – 2: 1510. Kerwan: Big Blarg Shooter – 2: 3011. Kerwan: Helicopter – 2: 4512. Kerwan: Green Tentacle on Train – 3: 0413. Aridia: Sandshark – 3: 2114. Aridia: Sandshark Nest (Green Plant) – 3: 3515. Aridia: Constructobot – 3: 5116. Rilgar: Extermibot – 4: 0617. Rilgar: Tank (Rilgar version) – 4: 2118. Rilgar: Large Amoeboid – 4: 3919. Rilgar: Medium Amoeboid – 5: 0020. Rilgar: Small Amieboid – 5: 2221. Rilgar: Pool Shark (On Floor / Not Swimming) – 5: 4422. Rilgar: Pool Shark (swimming) – 6: 0723. Nebula G34: Green Horned Toad – 6: 2824. Nebula G34: Alien Shooter – 6: 4625. Nebula G34: Brown Lizard (Snapper version 1) – 7: 0326. Nebula G34: Alien Lizard (Snapper version 2) – 7: 2227. Nebula G34: Snagglebeast (BOSS) – 7: 3728. Gaspar: Robot Dogs (Gaspar Version) – 7: 5329. Gaspar: Turret Shooter – 8: 0730. Gaspar: Flying Dinosaur – 8: 2031. Gaspar: Small Robot Withot With Blades – 8: 3632. Gaspar: Assembly Bot Robot – 8: 4933. Gaspar: Warbot (version 2 with jetpack) – 9: 1334. Gaspar: Killer Crab – 9: 2535. Gaspar: TelePathropus (Gaspar Version) – 9: 3936. Natalia: Blarg Bomb Thrower – 10: 0337. Natalia: Tank (Natalia Version) – 10: 1838. Quartu: Zurkon – 10: 3139. Quartu: mrs. ZURKON (BOSS) – 10: 4540. Pokitru: Puffer Fish – 11: 0241. Pokitaru: Telephopus (Pokitaru version) – 11: 1942. Deplanetizer: Blarg Jetpack Shooter – 11: 4443. Deplanetizer: Dog with Glowing Eyes – 12: 0144. Deplanetizer: Tank (Deplanetizer version) – 12: 1645. Kalebo III: Warbot (Version 3, network color with jetpack) – 12: 3446. Deplanetizer: Warbot (version 4, yellow color) – 12: 5247. Deplanetizer: Qwark (Boss) – 13: 1548. Deplanetizer: DR. Nephary – 13:33
Trophy Et Tu, Copernicus?
After finishing the story and ending the final boss, see the planet Deplanetizer. There are a few doors. Transfer in qwark and put the two doors closed for a few seconds to listen to a phrase and get the trophy.
Lazy Lombax trophy
A simple way to get this trophy.
Trophy I Hate Lamp
Go to the indicated locations of Alereo, the area at the beginning of Kerwan to find 17 blue lamps. Destroy all for this trophy. Only those that are before jumping to the train are needed.
Kalebo Thunder Trophy
Kalebo III is the final planet. Overcoming the time of this career is easier than in Rilgar. Use the two shortcuts shown in the video to reduce time in less than two minutes. Playing well can be done at 1:40, which gives margin for a little mistake.