Mortal Kombat X – PS4 Cheats – Cheat codes, Guides

Alternative costumes

D’Arah (Kytinn Queen) Coordinates: -7, 12 (Chamber of Bones) Cost: 1,240

Erron Black (outcast) Coordinates: -2, 9 (Serious Frozen) Cost: 1,220

Ferra/Torr (Master and Servant) Coordinates: 6, 8 (Shadow Spider Kave) Cost: 1,320 (Timed Chest)

Jacqui Briggs (Boot Camp) Coordinates: -8, 8 (Garden of Despair) Cost: 1,900

Johnny Cage (Tournament) Coordinates: 1, 6 (Shao Kahn’s Tomb) Cost: 1,470

Kano (Tournament) Coordinates: -15, 19 (Walkway of Souls) Cost: 2,300

Kenshi (Tournament) Coordinates: 6, 17 (Dark Pass) Cost: 1,870

Kitana (Tournament) Coordinates: 1, 6 (Frozen Serious) Cost: 980

KOTIAL KAHN (OSH-TEKK WARRIOR) Coordinates: -8, 8 (Grotto of Gore) Cost: 2,100

Liu Kang (Tournament) Coordinates: 1, 11 (Dark Pass) Cost: 940

Mileena (Tournament) Coordinates: -23, 10 (Cemetery Grounds) Cost: 540 (Timed Chest)

Scorpion (Tournament) Coordinates: 5, 28 (Spider Gem Hold) Cost: 210 (Timed Chest)

Raiden (Dark Raiden) Coordinates: -1, 14 (Dark Pass) (Video) Cost: 10

Raiden (Tournament) Coordinates: -17, 19 (Walkway of Souls) Cost: 2,350

Reptile (tournament) Coordinates: 15, 16 (Kavern of Doom) Cost: 470 (Timed Chest)

Jax (Revenant) : Select two players and Kustom Kombat. Play as Jax and select the 1% health modifier. Win 15 games (30 rounds).

Raiden (Future) : Use a wbplay account.

Coins chests

2.000 KOINS Coordinates: 1, 17 (Icy Hollow) Cost: 150 (Timed Chest)

2.000 KOINS Coordinates: -5, 21 (Hollow Grounds) Cost: 200 (Timed Chest)

2.000 KOINS Coordinates: 7, 10 (Shadow Spider Kave) Cost: 754

2.000 KOINS Coordinates: 21, 35 (Kotal’s Kavern) Cost: 250

2.000 KOINS Coordinates: 2, 8 (Shao Kahn’s Tomb) Cost: 980

2.000 KOINS Coordinates: 5, -1 (Lost mausoleum) Cost: 860

4.000 KOINS Coordinates: 0, 1 (Krypt Gateway) Cost: Free

4.000 KOINS Coordinates: -2, 7 (Serious Frozen) Cost: 1,200

4.000 KOINS Coordinates: 1, 14 (Kahn’s Stronghold) Cost: 1,140



Shinnok : Complete the story mode.


Dead Woods “: In the Crypt Cemetery area, go to the coordinates -18, 9 and buy it for 1.120 coins

Outworld Marketplace “: In the area of the Shadow Spider’s Hive of the crypt sees a brilliant sphere in coordinates 7, 42 and buy it for 1.150 coins.

Kuantan Palace “: In the Tomb of Shao Khan of the crypt go to the chest in coordinates 4, 8 and buy it for 1.240 coins.


Ermac’s pendantcoordidos: -5, 18 (Dark Pass) Unlock: unknown

Jax’s Rocket Launcher Coordinates: 0, 12 (Khan’s Stronghold) Unlock: Shrine of the Dead (-11, 12)

Kenshi’s Kitanacoordinates: 5, 30 (Shadow Spider’s Hive) Unlock: Hollow Grounds Area (0, 25)

Kahn Sword Kotal Coordinates: 22, 34 (Kotal’s Kavern) Unlock: Shadow Spider’s Hive and Switch Passage

Kung Lao’s Hat Coordinates: -7, 12 in the Shadow Spider Kave Unlock: Hanging Bridge Access (-10, 21 in the Shadow Spider Kave)

Liu Kang’s Fireballcoordades: 0, 6 (Shao Kahn’s Tomb) Unlock: White Lotus Temple (-20, 4)

Raiden’s Staff Coordinates: 5.11 (Shadow Spider Kave) Unlock: Elder Chasm (20, 23) and Hidden Room (6, 24 in the Spider Gem Hold)

Reptile’s clawcoordes: 6, 30 (Widow’s pass) Unlock: unknown

Scorpion’s Spear Coordinates: -13, 19 (Walkway of Souls) Unlock: Scorpion Pit

Spider Gemcoordidos: Scorpion’s Pit Unlocks: Room of Sacrifice

Sub Zero Ice Ball Coordinates: -21, 20 (Frost Path) Unlock: unknown

Secret combat against reptile

It is tradition that Mortal Kombat is plagued by secrets, characters and fighting that are unlocked in a concrete way. Players have already located a fight against reptile in Mortal Kombat X.

To face this elusive fighter, you have to do the following:

– Play at the Mortal Kombat 1 Living Tower until sixth fight.- Impeccable victory. If you receive damage in a round, repeat the fight.- Kill opponent with a fatality or brutality.

If you have done the above, you will fight reptile in what seems a tribute to how to unlock a game against this creature in the first Mortal Kombat.

Location of icons

Go to the following locations to obtain the icons of fighters:

Mileena Kutie icon: Frozen Serious (-1, 7) Scorpion Kutie icon: Garden of Despair (-7, 8) d’Esah Kutie icon: Frigid Burrows (2, 18) Kitana Kutie Icon: Walkway of Souls (-17, 17) Reptile Kutie icon: White Lotus Temple (-21, 3) Sub Zero Kutie icon: Lost Mausoleum (0, -1) Quan Chi Kutie icon: Hall of Betrayal (-2, 19) Erron Black Kutie icon: Kahn’s Stronghold (1, 13) Shinnok Kutie icon: Hollow of Darkness (13, 4) Jacqui Briggs Kutie icon: Elder Chasm (20, 25) Takeda Kutie icon: Room of Sacrifice (1, 25) Ferra/Torr Kutie icon: Shadow Spider’s Hive (4, 40)

The rest are achieved in the area shown at the end of the video. Are the following:

Sonya Kutie Iconliu Kang Kutie Iconkung Jin Kutie Iconermac Kutie Iconcassie Cage Kutie Iconkotal Kahn Kutie Iconraiden Kutie Iconkano Kutie Iconkenshi Kutie Iconkung Lao Kutie Iconjax Kutie Iconjohnny Cage Kutie I icon

Fatalities and brutalities

There are 26 fatalities in the game. You have to make a combination of buttons that are hidden in the movement list until they are discovered. They can also be acquired in the Krypta, but it is not necessary if you know them.

We show you the fatality and most brutalities.

Cassie Cage



Brutaly 1 (migraine): below, left, circleobrutality 2: below, right, square + defensabrality 3: below, left, square + defensabrutaly 4: Jump, below + launch, left -wardrobrutaly 5: launch or square + xfataly 1 (bug me): Left, right, left, x (average distance) Fatality 2 (Heart Broken): right, left, right, triangle (near distance)


Brutality 1 (Nether Force): Jump, below, left, circle + defensabrutality 2 (We win): down, left, squareobrutaly 3: left, right + triangulobrutality 4: left, right + squareBrutality 5: left + trianglefatality 1 (inner workings): Down, up, left (average distance) fatality 2 (Head out): right, down, down, up (average distance)

Erron Black

Brutality 1 (Tunnel Vison): Launch or square + xbrutaly 2: below, left + square, circleobrutaly 3: below, left, right + triangulobrutaly 4: below, left, left + triangulobrutaly 5: below, right + trianglefatality 1 (sand storm):Below, left, right, down, square (average distance) Fataly 2 (Six-Shooter): left, right, left, right, triangle (distant distance)


Brutaly 1 (Speed Bag): below, left, right, xbrutaly 2 (krush): below, top + defensabrutaly 3 (chest bump): left, right, triangulobrutality 4 (Tail spin): below, left, triangle + defensabrity 5 (Shokan Flame): Left, right, triangle + defensefatality 1 (peek-a-boogo): left, right, below, circle (nearby distance) fatality 2 (shokan amputation): left, down, down, down, up (close distance)


Brutaly (Trample): Left, right, xfatality 1 (Better Than One): right, left, right, left, x (near distance) Fataly 2 (play time): below, left, right, right, left, left (average distance)

Jacqui Briggs



Brutality: left, right, triangle, below Fatality 1 (T-Wrecks): right, left, down, triangle (near distance) Fataly 2 (Jax the ribber): below, left, right, right (near distance)

Johnny Cage



Brutaly 1 (ballin ‘): Jump, left, right, x, defensabrality 2: below, left + triangle, defensabrity 3: below, left + square + defensabrutaly1 (Head Case): Below, right, down, left, x (near distance) fatality 2 (knife to meet you): below, down, right, square (distant distance)


Brutality 1: Triangle, triangle, circleobrutaly 2: below, left + squareobrutaly 3: left, right + triangle + defensabrutaly 4: left, right + xbrutaly, Left (distant distance) fatality 2 (my parribapet): right, down, left, up (distant distance)


Brutality: left, right + xfataly 1 (Dark fan-tasy): below, right, left, right, triangle (average distance) fatality 2 (Splitting Hairs): left, right, down, below (average distance)


Brutaly!): Below, left, right, square (near distance) Fataly 2 (tight squeeze): right, left, right, left, triangle (near distance)

Kung Jin

Brutaly (a Little Heart): Below, right, trianglefatality 1 (target practice): below, right, down, left, triangle (nearby distance) fatality 2 (pinned down): right, left, down, down, square (average distance)

Kung Lao

Brutality: below, right + trianglefatality 1 (face grind): below, left, down, right, circle (near distance) fatality 2 (flower pot): below, right, down, left, square (near distance)

Liu Kang

Brutaly (Hot Head): Jump, left, right, squarefatality 1 (Sore This): below, down, left, right, right (nearby distance) fatality 2 (splitter): left, right, down, up, up (near distance)



Quan chi







Brutaly: Left, right + square + defense, fatality defense (Stop ahead): below, left, right, triangle (average distance) fatality (Who’s Next!): Down, left, right, up (average distance)


Brutaly (Gory Hole): Left, right + squarefataly 1 (The Grinder): below, left, right, below (average distance) Fatality 2 (Flick Trick): Town, up, down, up, up, defense (medium distance)

Sonya Blade



Brutality: below, right, triangle + defensefatality 1 (chest kold): left, right, down, left, circle (near distance) Fataly 2 (Bed of Ice): below, left, down, right, right, circle (near distance)


Brutality: Fatality 1 launch (Whip it good): below, right, left, left, triangle (average distance) fatality 2 (Head Cage): right, left, down, down, square (average distance)

Hide variation

Press up twice while selecting your character’s variation against a human opponent in the multiplayer. In this way he will not be able to see what style of struggle you have chosen, so you may surprise your rival in the first blows (and in addition, he will not be able to choose a style that you countered yours).

Enter Netherrealm

Go to the Temple of the Dead (-11, 12) and use JAX launches to open the door. Go A (-11, 13) and offer your koins to unlock the kamidogu and win other objects. To get the kamidogu, you must play at least 10.000 coins.

Use the Kamidogu to access Netherrealm by the Nether Gate (-24, 18).

Inventory objects

Go to the indicated coordinates to obtain a Krypta item. They are used to access other areas, although at this time some have not demonstrated their usefulness.

Ermac’s pendant Coordinates: -5, 18 (Dark Pass) Unlock: unknown

Jax’s Rocket Launcher Coordinates: 0, 12 (Khan’s Stronghold) Unlock: Shrine of the Dead (-11, 12)

Kenshi’s Kitana Coordinates: 5, 30 (Shadow Spider’s Hive) Unlock: Hollow Grounds Area (0, 25)

KHAN’S SWORD KOTAL Coordinates: 22, 34 (Kotal’s Kavern) Unlock: Shadow Spider’s Hive and Switch Passage

Kung Lao’s Hat Coordinates: -7, 12 in the Shadow Spider Kave Unlock: Hanging Bridge Access (-10, 21 in Shadow Spider Kave)

Liu Kang’s Fireball Coordinates: 0, 6 (Shao Kahn’s Tomb) Unlock: White Lotus Temple (-20, 4)

Raiden’s Staff Coordinates: 5.11 (Shadow Spider Kave) Unlock: Elder Chasm (20, 23) and Hidden Room (6, 24 in Spider Gem Hold)

Reptile’s Claw Coordinates: 6, 30 (Widow’s Pass) Unlock: unknown

Scorpion’s Spear Coordinates: -13, 19 (Walkway of Souls) Unlock: Scorpion Pit

Spider Gem Coordinates: Scorpion’s Pit unlocks: Room of sacrifice

Sub Zero’s Iceball Coordinates: -21, 20 (Frost Path) Unlock: unknown


If you have problems with pulsation events, here are all those that appear in the story mode.

Chapter 1 – Johnny Cage

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: Press square, square, x, hits square quickly.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: Press x, x, a, hits X quickly.PC: click 1, 1, 3, hits 1 quickly.

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: click triangle, square, circle, x, square.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: Press Y, X, B, A, X.PC: Press 2, 1, 4, 3, 1.

Chapter 2 – Kahn Kotal

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: Press circle, square, hits X quickly, x, circle, triangle, square, circle, x x.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: press B, X, hits rapidly, a, b, y, x, b, a.PC: click 4, 1, hits 3 quickly, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3.

Chapter 4 – Kung Jin

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: Press circle, square, circle.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: Press B, X, B.PC: click 4, 1, 4.

Chapter 5 – Sonya Blade

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: Press X, X, CIRCLE, X, X, CIRCLE, SQUARE, X, SQUARE.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: click A, A, B, A, B, X, A, X.PC: Press 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 1.

Chapter 6 – D’Arh

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: click on, move forward, forward, triangle.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: click on, move forward, go ahead, and.PC: click on, move forward, go ahead, 2.

Chapter 7 – Takashi Takeda

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: Press X, square, triangle, circle, square.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: click A, X, Y, B, X.PC: click 3, 1, 2, 4, 1.

Chapter 8 – Jax

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: Press square, triangle, x, triangle, triangle, triangle.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: click x, y, a, y, y, y,.PC: click 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2.

Chapter 9 – Scorpion

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: click triangle, triangle, circle.Xbox 360 and Xbox One: click Y, Y, B.PC: Press 2, 2, 4.

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