Downhill Domination Cheats for PS2: Cheat codes and Codes

Downhill Domination cheats for PS2

All cheats to get instant money, an impulse of adrenaline, free combat, always in balance, etc…

All cheats and codes

Enter these cheats during the game. To introduce any of them, you will first have to click to activate the trick mode:

Up, triangle, down, x, left, circle, right, square.

Then introduce…

2.000 instant dollars:

Right, triangle, triangle, left

Adrenaline impulse:

Below, left, left, right

Always in balance:

Below, square, square, left, circle

Anti -gravity:

Below, triangle, square, square, up

Free combat:

Left, square, circle, square, left

Combat improvement:

Up, down, left, left, right

Restore energy:

Below, right, right, left, left


Right, up, circle, circle, square

Infinite bottles:

Up, x, left, left, circle, circle

Mega Flip:

Right, up, right, right, square

Super velocity:

Below, triangle, right, right, square

Trick Meter:

Below, left, left, right, right

Super jump:

Left, square, x, up, triangle

Rabbit jump:

Up, x, left, square, up

Infinite energy:

Below, triangle, left, left, square

Enable all:

Up, down, down, up, down, down,

Improve bottle:

Up, down, left, left, right, right

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