Cheats The Lord of the Rings: The Conquest – PS3 – Cheat codes, Guides


Unlockable Requirements
Rise of Sauron Campaign Overcomes the War of the Ring campaign in any difficulty
Legendary difficulty Overcomes the campaign in heroic difficulty
Trophy Requirements
To Knife in the Dark Use the explorer to stress ten enemies during a life
Assault on Mines Morgul Complete the level of Morgul Mines in the “War of the Ring” campaign for a single player
Assault on Mount Doom Complete the Mount Doom level in the “Rise of Sauron” campaign for a single player
Assault on Osgiliath Complete the level of Osgiliath in the “War of the Ring” campaign for a single player
Battle of Helm’s Deep Complete the level of Helm’s abyss in the “War of the Ring” campaign for a single player
Battle of Pelennor Fields Complete the level of Pelennor Fields in the “War of the Ring” campaign for a single player
Battle of Weathertoop Complete the Weathertoop level in the “Rise of Sauron” campaign for a single player
Blade That Was Broken Rate 30 blows in the combos counter like Guerrero
Conquer over isngard Complete the Isengard level in the “War of the Ring” campaign for a single player
Eagle Eyes Get 25 shots in the head as an archer during a life
Fall of Mines Shith Complete the level of cough mines in the “Rise of Sauron” campaign for a single player
FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING Complete a campaign level in cooperative mode
Fire and Slaughter Kill 25 enemies during a life with the explorer bombs
Flame of Anor Kill 100 enemies during a life with the magician’s fire wall
House of Healing Heal 30 allies during a life as a magician
Lord of Mordor He beats Gandalf driving Sauron in the region (in the campaign “Rise of Sauron”)
Mithril Armor Complete any level of the campaign mode without dying
Never Toss to DWARF He beats Gimli driving the balrog in the mines of Moria (in the campaign “Rise of Sauron”)
No living man am i Buy Witch King as Eowyn in Pelennor Fields (in the “War of the Ring” campaign)
Rain of Fire Kill 25 enemies in a single life with the archer’s fire arrows
Razing of Rivendell Complete the level of Rivendell in the “Rise of Sauron” campaign for a single player
Siege of Mines Tarith Complete the level of cough mines in the “War of the Ring” campaign for a single player
Siege of Moria Complete the level of Moria mines in the “Rise of Sauron” campaign for a single player
Siege of Osgiliath Complete the level of Osgiliath in the “Rise of Sauron” campaign for a single player
Splintern Shields Kill 100 enemies in a single life like Guerrero
Stupid Hobbits Mata 300 hobbits in the region in a single game (Campaba of “Rise of Sauron”)
That Still Only Counts As One Get on and kill a smell
The Mines of Moria Complete the level of Moria mines in the “War of the Ring” campaign for a single player
The Way of Pain Buy Aragorn as Saruman in Weathertoop (Campańa de “Rise of Sauron”)
Unfriendly Skies Let yourself take for a flying beast or an eagle
War of the Last Alliance Complete the training level
You Shall Not Pass! He beats the Balrog as Gandalf in the mines of Moria (Campańa of “War of the Ring”)
A Red Sun Rises Kill 30 enemies in a Deathmatch Battle for teams
A Storm is coming Kill 15 players with the magician’s ray in any type of multiplayer battle
Assassin Acuchilla from behind 10 players as an explorer in any type of multiplayer battle
BLADEMASTER Kill 25 players like Guerrero in any type of multiplayer battle
I Will Take It Capture a ring driving Frodo in a capture game the ring
Lord of The Nine Riders Kill 10 players in a life like Witch King in any type of multiplayer combat
Marksman Kill 10 players for shots in the head in any type of multiplayer game
Return of the King He beats Tres Nazgul as Aragorn in Mines Morgul (in the campaign “War of the Ring”)
Ride to Ruin Capture 10 control points in any game of conquest mode
Rings of Power Capture three rings in a capture game the ring
Storm and The Lightning Get the maximum score as the winning team in any online game
You have my ax Kill 20 enemies like Gimli at any game Deathmatch by teams
You have my Bow Kill 20 enemies as League at any game Deathmatch by teams
All’s Well As Ends Better Complete the level of the dark door in the “War of the Ring” campaign for a single player
The Land of Shadow Complete the level of the region in the “Rise of Sauron” campaign for a single player
One Trophy to Rule Them All Get all game trophies

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